
Catching Up...

Well, I got that job. I like it pretty well, everything has it's good and bad points but it's way better than my last job at any rate. We've been in Chas, SC for over 6 months now! Still don't have any friends and no plans for anyone to visit. I guess a lot has happened in the past couple of months, the trip back up north for our friend's wedding was kind of bittersweet. I wouldn't want to move back there but I miss having friends too. It was awkward not having a "home" to go to there too. We were crashing at our friend's dilapidated house but never felt like we could just relax. I got a new tattoo too! I don't recommend getting tattooed while running on a combo of an hour of sleep, weird sugar/caffeine buzz, and jet-lag. The experience wasn't bad as far as pain goes but I was babbling on like an idiot to my tattoo artist... "Do you rather working on fat or skinny people?", "What's the worst thing you've have to put on someone's body?" Ugh. The tattoo design is based off of an illustration by WW Denslow depicting the deadly poppies in The Wizard of Oz by L Frank Baum.

I have a habit of being sort of manic about new things that I discover. I had been kind of interested in seeing the movie "Twilight" but my boyfriend wasn't interested and I didn't know much about it so never pushed too hard to make it our movie rental selection. His parents were visiting and mentioned that they wanted to see it so we rented it. I loved it! I located the series of books in the next couple of days and got to work reading. I couldn't stop... I made it through 4 rather thick books in about 5 days. I finished the last one last night around 3:30am, work sucked today because of the lack of sleep I've been getting in order to keep reading. Wow, how big of a dork can I be? No wonder I have no friends! I'm lucky my honey is patient with me :)